How to Draw a Flower Step by Step in Pencil TUTORIAL

Learn to Draw

review of the Lets Draw form

You can learn to draw right now with the fun and engaging Lets Draw course! If you want to acquire how to create realistic pencil drawings similar this:

Learn How to Draw a Horse

If yous purchase the Lets Draw course after clicking on one of the links on this site, volition receive a percentage of the sale every bit a "thank you lot" for sending you their manner. After spending hours poring over the course material, I can heartily recommend the Lets Depict course and give it ii thumbs upward!

On this page I'll tell y'all all near this fun pencil drawing form created by Dennis and Nolan Clark (pictured below right in their New Zealand studio).

Dennis and Nolan Clark, your "Let's Draw" instructors

Dennis and Nolan Clark, your "Permit'due south Draw" instructors

These 2 experienced fine art instructors accept taught this grade in real-life to thousands of students simply like you. Now you tin can relish this form from the comfort of your ain abode through the Lets Draw video and ebook lessons, which means you can acquire and practise at your own stride.

In this course y'all'll learn to draw animals, landscapes and still lifes. In addition to step by footstep lessons, y'all'll also acquire plenty of art theory, which means you can have these techniques and apply them to anything you will ever want to depict.

Imagine seeing a barn similar this and being able to describe it:

(You'll learn to draw this barn during the course!)

(You'll learn to depict this barn during the course!)

Gain a solid foundation of drawing skills

If you desire to learn to depict but you literally don't know where to begin, Dennis and Nolan will help break down each step of the process. This course provides a solid foundation in drawing, starting with a thorough explanation of drawing materials. The majority of the grade involves footstep by step lessons, cartoon theory and valuable tips.

You'll learn all the steps to draw berries, like these!

You'll larn all the steps to draw berries, like these!

Each lesson builds on the techniques and concepts you learned in the previous lesson, so by the end of the course you are ready to become out and draw anything you want.

The Lets Draw class is mostly aimed at beginners, and so if you've never drawn before – this grade is for yous! In fact, 93% of the people who purchase the Lets Draw course have never fatigued before. No prior art knowledge or cartoon feel is necessary.

Nonetheless, this course is so comprehensive that even intermediate artists volition also learn a whole lot from the lessons. I've been cartoon for near 2 decades and even I picked up some handy tips from this course, which was exciting and motivating.

A fun manner to learn to describe - at your own pace

Learn How to Draw Flowers

In this course, Dennis and Nolan nowadays each lesson in a fun, friendly mode that is encouraging and piece of cake to grasp. If yous ever feel like yous need to review a certain technique or lesson, you tin can go back to it every bit many times as you desire!

Each section or lesson is divided into 'days' but you go at your own pace. If you complete 1 lesson per twenty-four hours y'all will learn to describe in only a month! But if you lot need to go at a slower pace, that'southward fine too.

The Lets Draw Course is available digitally, which means that y'all tin get started immediately! You'll instantly have access to over v hours of helpful videos, and you lot tin download the PDF course materials for printing or viewing on your computer.

Hither's a quick depiction of the content in this course:

How to Draw Package

If you lot sign upwardly for this course, I'll receive a percent of the auction from Dennis and Nolan, which helps support this site. I'k recommending this course considering I've viewed every lesson and I think it's a top notch way to larn how to draw!

What to Expect

Firstly, you lot'll receive the PDF manual containing over 300 pages of lessons which you volition download and print. Y'all can also view the transmission on your computer, which can be handy for seeing their instance images close-upward.

Now I'll requite you a very detailed overview of the lessons, and also share with you lot some of the things y'all'll run across in the videos.

Later you lot buy the course, you'll receive access to a screen that looks like this:

You can watch the video lessons right from your computer!

You tin watch the video lessons right from your computer!

Getting Started

Can you guess what this is for?

Can you guess what this is for?

Before yous even launch into the pencil drawing lessons, be certain to lookout man Nolan' welcome video where he introduces himself and shows yous his studio. He gives an encouraging pep talk and invites you to post any questions you might have on the forums every bit you larn to draw.

Pencil Cartoon Equipment – Nolan clearly outlines all of the drawing supplies you'll demand for this grade, such equally the unlike types of pencils and paper, and advises you on what to get. He as well tells you lot well-nigh other equipment that y'all'll use during the form.

Nolan also explains how to set upwards your drawing area in a manner that helps you accomplish the all-time results equally you acquire to describe, from choosing the right lighting to selecting a suitable drawing surface (or table).

Once you're all fix, y'all're fix to start the pencil drawing lessons!

Cartoon Course Lessons

Because this course started out as a live workshop, each lesson is divided into 'days'. However yous volition learn to depict by following this form at your own pace, so yous don't have to do simply 1 lesson per day and you lot can take a day off when yous demand to. Just exist sure to follow the course in the order that it is outlined. It might be tempting to skip ahead, just the fabric will make more than sense when y'all go step by step from Mean solar day 1 to Mean solar day 27.

Simply think of each 'day' as a 'lesson'. In each lesson you acquire new skills and gain new knowledge about drawing, and so each lesson builds on the previous lesson, giving you a solid foundation for cartoon.

Please note:

The overview you are about to read is very detailed!

I tried to create the feeling of flipping through a book at a bookstore, and then yous can scan earlier yous buy.

If at whatever time yous feel convinced to requite the Lets Draw Course a try, simply click here or on any of the sample images and y'all'll exist taken to the Lets Describe website where you lot can purchase the course.

As well, experience free to skim this section if the amount of info is overwhelming to you. If this is overwhelming, just imagine how much valuable content and information the course will provide you!

Here'southward an overview of each 24-hour interval's lessons:

  • 24-hour interval 1: Pencil Sharpening Techniques – To first you lot off on the right pes, Nolan shows you unlike ways to acuminate your pencil to create dissimilar effects! This lesson goes far beyond merely sticking the pencil into a sharpener. Nolan also provides rubber tips so you don't injure yourself while trying out these sharpening methods.

    • Bones Pencil Grips and Strokes - Drawing with a pencil is different from writing with a pencil; there are a greater variety of ways that you can hold and use the pencil. In this lesson you'll learn how to concord your pencil. Nolan also explains dissimilar ways of moving the pencil to create a variety of strokes.


  • Day two: Pencil Erasing and Smudging Techniques – Just as drawing with a pencil is unlike from writing with a pencil, and then is erasing. Nolan shows you the all-time ways to erase your drawings. He also demonstrates techniques for using the eraser to soften a hard edge. You'll also acquire how to do smudging with a tortillon, plus how to make your own.

    • Erasing a Landscape – This fun lesson that shows y'all some neat techniques to create a mountain landscape! It's easier than you think.

Erasing Techniques

  • Twenty-four hours 3: Tonal Values – Adjacent you'll learn which pencils to apply to create different values (besides known equally "shades"). Nolan shows you lot how to draw your own tonal chart which will aid you ameliorate sympathise and render tonal values in your drawings. This lesson includes a blank chart that you can impress out and use to draw your values.

How to Draw a Shaded Ball

  • Day iv: Calorie-free, Shadows & Reflected Light – This is an invaluable theory lesson well-nigh light sources and angles; how they impact the objects we want to describe, and the types of shadows they cast. Nolan shows y'all some shading techniques so you tin can put everything you've just learned about low-cal, shadows and reflected light to utilise. He tells you which pencils to use when as he demonstrates how to depict a round,shaded brawl from your imagination. You'll acquire to describe graduated tones to make objects looks polish.

  • Day 5: Pencil Cartoon Transfer Techniques – When you work from a reference paradigm (a photo, film from a magazine, etc) yous'll demand to "transfer" that image onto your drawing newspaper. In this lesson Nolan shows you 3 easy means to transfer a reference image onto your drawing paper that don't crave any special equipment or elbow work.

  • Twenty-four hour period vi: Learn to Draw Berries in Pencil Step by Step – Here's your first "real" drawing lesson – a bunch of berries! Don't worry, it's not equally hard as it might look. Nolan breaks down the procedure to its step by pace components, revealing how straightforward information technology really is. Some things you'll learn include: what to look for when determining the direction and quality of light; how to become started with your drawing; how to decide which pencil to employ; what are lost and plant lines and why is it good to know virtually them?


Learn how to go from a blank outline to a finished drawing!

Learn how to draw rocks

  • Day 7: Day off - Relax and rest easy! It's your day off. On days off, you lot can either have a pause or review the past calendar week'southward materials to brand sure you really understand it. Yous can also do some practice drawing on your own.

  • Day 8: How to Return Planes and Angles - How to Draw Rocks Stride by Pace – In this lesson you'll larn how to show different angles or 'planes' in your drawings, and you'll larn why this is important. Nolan will too help you figure out which direction to shade in.

  • Day ix: Pencil Cross Hatching Techniques and Exercises – Adjacent yous'll learn how to create different tonal values through cantankerous-hatching - without smudging or shading! This builds on yesterday's lesson nearly rendering planes. Nolan explains what kind of pencil, point and grip to use. He'll testify you how to draw a coffee mug, and y'all'll learn how to notice the directions, angles, shadows and highlights.

  • Mean solar day 10: How to Draw a Teddy Bear Step by Pace – In 24-hour interval 10 you'll fuse your newfound knowledge by drawing a teddy bear. At commencement, drawing a teddy bear might seem overwhelming, only Nolan makes it like shooting fish in a barrel to walking you through each step. Day ten is total of tips, including an explanation of which types of images lend themselves well to the hatching technique.

Learn how to draw a teddy bear.

  • Twenty-four hours eleven: Pencil Scumbling Techniques - How to Draw Fish Step by Step – What is scumbling? You'll find out in this lesson! You'll learn things like: different types of scumbling strokes; how to shade through scumbling; how to combine fine detail with scumbling; which pencils to use when, as well every bit where and how to starting time your drawing.

  • Day 12: Learn to Draw Textures – This lesson is a 2-parter. Y'all'll learn how to observe the different textures in the objects y'all want to draw, and Nolan will demonstrate nine basic techniques that can be mixed and matched to draw any texture yous can think of. Plus, you'll learn nigh positive and negative spaces – why information technology'southward important an important concept and how understanding this concept can help with your drawings.

Nolan demonstrates a technique for drawing texture.

Nolan demonstrates a technique for drawing texture.

  • Twenty-four hours 13: How to Draw an Quondam Barn - This lesson is likewise a 2-parter with a fun surprise: an interview with Dennis, Nolan'south dad and the creator of the original Let'south Draw course. (This is a video available to PC, DVD and online students.) In this lesson, you'll learn how to find inspiration in the objects around you lot. Anything tin be a discipline for drawing! Dennis demonstrates how yous can alter 'reality' past omitting objects or adjusting the perspective to make the drawing more pleasing. Y'all'll larn the different textures and processes used to draw an old barn.

  • Mean solar day 14: Day off - Relax and have it easy! Mayhap go exterior and find something fun to depict for extra practise.

  • Day 15: How to Hands Draw Circuitous Scenes by Finding Shapes – Larn how to simplify complex scenes into their basic shapes, which makes them much easier to depict. This is an important skill that you'll behave with you lot throughout all your future drawings. After explaining the concept, Nolan provides a sample withal life and asks you to draw its bones shapes. This is expert practice, because at the finish, Nolan shows you lot how information technology should look.

Find out what this is all about

Find out what this is all about

  • Solar day sixteen: Resizing Methods – Hither yous'll learn 5 easy methods for creating a drawing that is larger or smaller than your original reference photograph. Ane of the methods involves using a proportional divider, which you lot tin can print and get together to assist yous resize your drawings.

  • Twenty-four hour period 17: How to Overstate and Reduce your Drawings Using the Co-ordinate & Calculator Methods – Nolan presents 2 more methods for resizing your drawings, involving math and rulers.

  • Twenty-four hours 18: The Grid Method: How to Use a Grid to Redraw a Photo – The grid method is an ancient and time-honored manner to resize your reference image. To quote Nolan: "The filigree method allows us to redraw a motion picture to absolutely any size without having to worry about proportions, ratios or calculators. All nosotros need is a filigree, ruler and a pencil."

Learn the Grid Method

Learn the Filigree Method

This is an extremely detailed lesson with step by step instructions about the filigree method. Ample tips are provided and there are handy grids you can print out in mm or inches. Nolan also explains what to do if your reference prototype is not the same size as your paper. With 16 whole pages dedicated to the topic, this is 1 of the best resources on the filigree method I have ever seen.

  • Twenty-four hours xix: How to Describe Animals – Now you're ready to apply your skills to drawing animals. Nolan demonstrates how to depict a squirrel, including tips on how to depict fur effectively, what kind of strokes to use and how to shade. He shows you how to do a quick all the same detailed animal drawing. This lesson puts all of the skills you've learned and then far to adept use.

  • Day xx: More Animate being Cartoon Exercises – This lesson shows yous how to depict dissimilar types of fur, hair, hide, feathers, wool, and whiskers – of import skills to take when cartoon animals. So you'll learn how to draw the head of a horse. Nolan explains which pencils and techniques to employ equally he guides you lot stride by footstep through this drawing lesson. A few animal reference pictures are provided then you tin can exercise.

Learn to draw whiskers using a special technique:

Acquire to describe whiskers using a special technique:

  • Day 21: Day off - Another solar day off! Congratulate yourself, considering you are almost done with the course.

  • Day 22: Perspective: Finding and working with Vanishing Points – At 27 pages, this is the longest lesson – considering it'south of import! You will learn about perspective and how to create the illusion of depth and distance on a flat surface. Nolan covers the concepts of linear perspective, aeriform perspective, color perspective, foreshortening, and the law of overlapping. There's an exercise to help you learn to find the vanishing points in a scene. Y'all'll learn to work with vanishing points and altered perspectives. Oh yes, and y'all'll as well learn why it's so of import to acquire near vanishing points in the first identify! Take your fourth dimension and don't rush this lesson, to ensure that yous actually absorb the material.

When you finish this lesson, this diagram will make sense to you

When you end this lesson, this diagram will make sense to you lot

  • Day 23: Still Life Composition Techniques – Learn how to compose and draw your own still life. Nolan teaches you how to select objects, how many objects to use, how to create and use a lightbox to create more dramatic lighting, how to arrange them in interesting ways, and then how to look at the even so life and describe information technology and, starting by noticing the shapes. Plus, you lot'll learn almost notan sketches. Find out: what is a notan sketch and how tin can it help you accommodate your still life?

  • Day 24: Drawing a Even so Life, continued. – In this lesson, you larn most thumbnail sketches and why they are helpful. In addition to explaining how to create thumbnail sketches, Nolan too explains how to select the right tonal shade when drawing a colored still life, and how to deal with cogitating and transparent objects.

Learn how to turn this into a shaded still life drawing

Learn how to turn this into a shaded still life drawing

  • Day 25: How to Draw Outdoors – Drawing outdoors is different than drawing inside. Detect out what equipment you'll need for drawing outdoors, what to look for, how to prepare yourself up, how to transfer the scene or object in front of you onto paper, larn techniques for getting the basic outline in place, and find out what to shade get-go and why. Whew, that's a lot for 1 lesson, only one time you get comfy cartoon outdoors you tin draw anywhere you go!

  • Day 26: How to Describe Foliage and Landscapes – Learn all about cartoon trees, bushes, branches, tree trunks, roots and leaf. Drawing leaves can be tricky but Nolan makes it easy by showing you which strokes to use to give the impression of leaves, so y'all don't go lost in the details.

    • Set up to cartoon a landscape? Nolan explains how to wait at different landscapes and figure out which techniques y'all'll demand to utilise to draw them. He demonstrates using a viewfinder to help with the composition and walks you lot footstep by footstep to evidence through his process of drawing a mural.

How to Draw Trees

  • Day 27: How to Draw Flowers – This is a fun way to round out the drawing lessons, because everyone loves to depict flowers! Acquire how to start your flower drawings, how to improve your observation skills then you observe all the details, and what strokes to use where. Y'all'll too review lost and found lines and cast shadows as you draw your bloom along with Nolan.

  • Mean solar day 28: How to Shop, Protect and Frame Your Drawings – Now that you've created all these drawings, notice out how to go along them in good condition. Learn how to spray your drawings with a fixative, and how to shop them to prevent things like smudging, moisture damage discoloration from sunlight. Nolan as well teaches you about matting, framing and hanging your artwork.

Nolan demonstrates how to spray your drawings with a fixative

Nolan demonstrates how to spray your drawings with a fixative

* At the end of each lesson are also additional bonuses, such as black and white photos you can draw from and pencil sketches you can study every bit examples.

If you sign up for this form, I'll receive a percentage of the sale from Dennis and Nolan, which helps support this site. I'thou recommending this course because I've viewed every lesson and I think information technology'due south a top notch way to larn how to draw!

  Later on you purchase the form yous can also download and print the accompanying PDF files. The online interface of the Lets Describe class offers a handy carte that gives you lot access to all your grade cloth right at your fingertips.

Here's a screenshot of the easy-to-use interface:

Here'due south a screenshot of the easy-to-use interface:

One of the all-time things about the course is access to the forum, where you lot can inquire questions about the lessons, post your artwork and receive valuable feedback. This helps requite you the fullest learning experience that virtually closely resembles what it would exist like to nourish i of their workshops in person, except yous can work from the comfort of home at your ain pace.

My opinion

It took me a long fourth dimension to look through the Lets Draw course because they just have and then much to offer! I was really impressed with the content and presentation of the course cloth. All of the concepts are thoroughly explained through words and images. Each section as well contains valuable tips that are likewise numerous to mention here.

The Lets Draw course is an incredibly thorough pencil cartoon course that gives you lot a solid foundation of drawing skills. The combination of theory plus stride by stride instructions makes this class a worthwhile investment for anyone who wants to larn to draw. Near other home-study drawing courses I've come across are weak on theory, which means that students only learn to depict the objects they are shown how to describe step by footstep in the course. That's how this class is different: Dennis and Nolan go beyond the step by step lessons and provide you with the knowledge and skills to confidently draw anything you desire.

If y'all'd like to explore the Lets Describe grade more than before buying, click here and roll halfway down to view the Lesson 1 video, PDF and handouts and run into what you lot think. You can also skip forward to the 24-hour interval 19 Video: Drawing Animals, and the accompanying PDF manual too.

If you purchase the Lets Depict form after clicking on one of the links on this site, will receive a percentage of the sale as a "give thanks you" for sending y'all their way. Later on spending hours poring over the course material, I can heartily recommend the Lets Describe class and requite it ii thumbs up!

Learn how to draw

All of the images in this review come up directly from the Lets Describe form, so credit goes to Dennis and Nolan Clark for the use of these images.


How to Draw a Flower Step by Step in Pencil TUTORIAL

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