Karen Lichtman Owns a Store That Specializes in Travel Gear and Clothes. UPDATED

Karen Lichtman Owns a Store That Specializes in Travel Gear and Clothes.

When Shopping is a Problem

For a lot of people, shopping is a chore, something tedious, all the same necessary � like housework. For others, shopping is fun and relaxing, a release from the world of work. For a minority, however, shopping tin be every bit dangerous as consuming likewise much alcohol or abusing drugs. For these �shopaholics� , a trip to a section store tin get a fashion of fuelling an addiction.

How does this happen and why? Psychologists believe that the �shopaholic� views spending money every bit a form of escapism and a means of achieving happiness. The real problem starts, however, when the constant demand to buy new things starts interfering with a person�due south life. People who become addicted to the excitement of shopping believe that buying something new will brand their lives happier and more fulfilling.

People frequently go shopaholics because their lives are emotionally empty. It is oftentimes a sign of chronic depression. People make full their lives with �things� considering they tin�t face their own unhappiness. Shopping then becomes a course of therapy. Co-ordinate to experts, women are particularly prone to this sort of behaviour. This may be because so much ad is targeted at women. Magazine and television ad aimed at them as career women, wives and mothers, puts women under a lot of pressure to purchase.

Buying fashion out of an emotional crisis is not a healthy option, though. Spending can get out of control. People get caught in a brutal circle in which the �high� of spending coin is soon replaced by disappointment, and finally depression, equally the debts pile upwardly. New things chop-chop lose their allure and then the desire to shop and spend starts all over again.

The widespread employ of credit cards has led to a marked increase in the number of shopaholics. Co-ordinate to experts, the banks have made credit cards too easy to obtain, with the result that more and more people are using them. Using a credit bill of fare gives 1 the illusion that no money is being spent. People can continue for years, spending vast sums every month on credit without realizing information technology.

Unfortunately, many shopaholics don�t realize that they have a problem until is besides late. They stop up either with huge overdrafts or in courtroom, filing for bankruptcy. Dissimilar a dependency on alcohol or drugs, an addiction to shopping and spending money is less piece of cake to detect but, as with other forms of addiction, the �shopaholic� is likewise in need of professional assist.

The professionals who bargain with these �shopaholics� have defendant banks of adding to these people�due south problems, only there are no laws to foreclose banks from giving out credit cards. Although doctors take attempted to persuade governments to introduce controls over credit companies and banks, few governments will interfere with them equally long every bit they are profitable.

It seems, and then, that the solution to the problem lies with the therapists who specialize in this disorder, and with the patients themselves. Getting to the rootof the shopaholic�due south depression and helping the shopaholic to face upward to and cope with the real problems that trigger their shopping mania is the only practical approach. Buying yet another new apparel is not the answer.

C. Decide whether the statements below are true or false.

1. Everyone loves shopping.

two. Shopaholics cannot stop shopping.

three. Shopaholics are happy.

4. Women are more than likely to exist shopaholics.

v. Credit cards are piece of cake to get.

half dozen. Shopaholics cannot exist helped.

seven. There are laws to stop banks issuing credit cards.

D. Look at the words in bold in the text and effort to explain them. Requite the Ukrainian equivalents.

East. Fill in the correct discussion(south) from the list beneath.

chore, interferes with, decumbent to, targeted, pile up, illusion, overdraft, triggered

Having to work every night�������. his studies.(gets in the mode of)
She never reuses plastic numberless from the supermarket, she just lets them�����in the cupboard.(gather over time)
That advert on television really ����� my desire to buy an ice-foam. (stimulated)
I like buying clothes, merely shopping for nutrient is just a(n) ���� (boring task)
Shops frequently charge 99p for things to create the ������. that they cost much less than a pound. (false idea)
That shopping spree concluding week has left me with a huge ����(debt to the bank)
At Christmas there are many advertisements for products ���� at children. (aimed)
He�due south �����spending one-half his wages on dress as he gets paid. (got a trend to)

F. Make full in the correct give-and-take(southward) from the list below. Use the word(due south) only once.

widespread, to fuel, the solution to, to become to, empty, the debts, a form, to give, to first all, to go out, buying, to go along, chronic, vicious

1. ���.. an habit 2. ���.. of control 3. ���. the illusion 4. ���.. of escapism five. an emotionally �� life six. a(n) ���� circle 7. ����. for years 8. a(due north) �����... depression nine. �����..� the root of sth 10. ��������� pile upward 11. ������.� over once more 12. ������ the trouble xiii. �����.. your mode out 14. the �������. use

Practice 1

Make full in the right discussion(s) from the listing below:

in stock, discount, shopping listing, in cash, refund, retailer, by bank check, tag, eolith, window shopping

Before yous go out to buy some new clothes it�s a good thought to go ane) ��� first, in club to observe out which shops are worth visiting. This volition also help you if you are bargain hunting and don�t want to spend a lot of money. Write a(n) 2) ���� to make sure yous get everything yous need. A small shop may have more unusual appurtenances and offer a more personal service. If they don�t have exactly what yous want iii) ��., they could order it from the wholesaler. The 4) ����. could requite you a 5) ���. if you buy in bulk and pay half dozen) ���. or 7) �.�� . For something expensive you could leave a viii) ����.. to reserve it until you lot can afford information technology. Alternatively, you can wait until the sales, when it volition definitely exist cheaper. When you lot decide what to buy, the cashier will await at the price 9) ���� then give you a receipt from the greenbacks register. Should you lot have a problem with the goods, the shop owner should 10) ��� your money.

& Reading

Shopping can exist a �must� and a pleasance. Those who hate shopping place their orders past phone and it saves them a lot of time. Those shoppers tin can likewise lodge through the websiteor via east-mailand information technology is growing rather pop for you can social club items that are unusual or unavailable locally. Besides, you tin can store in your underwear.

Some brand a hobby of shopping tours, whether they really buy annihilation or just practice window-gazing.

Read about Ann�south shopping habits and exist ready to describe yours.

What are your shopping habits?

I�thousand not much of a shopper, but my sis is a terrific one. I prefer to do window shopping. Sat is my shopping day. I�k used to doing the shopping with a shopping listing. I�m neither a stingy nor an extravagant customer. I just like to buy the right things at reasonable prices.

I retrieve I am a reasonable client. With me quality counts above all. If I similar the commodity, I am fix to purchase it even at a sky-loftier price. Merely I experience good if I manage to buy a skilful thing for a song. By and large I stick to the rule: I�m not rich enough to buy cheap things.

Although I look for bargains, I can�t say I oftentimes find them. Now when prices are exorbitant, I rely much on sales. Toll reductions are quite credible at sales. One tin can purchase high quality goods at reduced prices there. Last time I bought a flared skirt. It was a real bargain.

Diverse goods are on sale at the shops where I go shopping. The selection of consumer goods is not scanty, I must admit.


Listen to the recording and make full in the gaps.

I went into one of the big London _________ today and enjoyed myself very much, but ___________ from one __________ to another, looking at the various articles on the ___________. I thought the ___________ were very helpful. There must have been some hundreds of _____________and _____________ and dozens of different ____________, including ___________, ___________, ____________, ____________ and even ___________. I went from one section to another � from _____________ to ________, from _______ goods to ________- upwards and down, in lifts and on escalators. As I was going through the ______ _________, I was surprised to meet an former friend of mine, whom I hadn�t seen for years. Nosotros went up to the ______________ and had lunch together. Nosotros didn�t terminate lunch until half past two. Then we ______ some __________ together. I helped her to purchase some _________ for her children. I can�t tell y'all how glad we were to see each other again. We used to be very cracking friends before she went to live ______________.


Congratulations! You lot have each won $1,000. You lot tin can purchase any yous desire with information technology. However , there are three requirements: yous must spend the coin in the different stores, you must give a detailed clarification of which stores you will shop in, and you must requite a detailed description of what you will purchase.


Listen to the human being talking most shopping. What kind of shoppers does he think women are? How does he prove his point? Tin can you either support or contradict his opinion?

Exercise 2

Determine which answer A, B, C or D all-time fits each space.

Street Markets

Most people enjoy looking for (one) �. in street markets. It can be very enjoyable walking around the (2) �., among the crowds of (3) �., and trying to spend as (four) �. as possible. Of course it depends (five) �. the market. In fruit and (half-dozen) �. markets, in that location is usually a broad variety of (7) �. produce, but it may not exist cheap. There may be goods at (eight) � prices at the stop of the day, all the same. Wearing apparel markets tin be a problem, as information technology is difficult to (9) �. on new clothes in the open (x) �! My favourite are antique markets, where although there is not much (11) �. of finding valuable objects which are also cheap, you can enjoy yourself looking at all the things for (12) �. . Any kind of market y'all await (13) �., and whether you buy things or not, you lot commonly (xiv) �. up feeling completely worn (15) �.. . Still, it is an interesting way of shopping.

ane. A) inexpensive B) sale C) cheap D) bargains
ii. A) tables B) stalls C) boxes D) stores
3. A) shoppers B) public C) buys D) goods
four. A) little B) presently C) late D) is
v. A) from B) with C) on D) to
6. A) salads B) greenish C) farm D) vegetable
seven. A) new B) fresh C) young D) early
8. A) half B) bottom C) reduced D) down
nine. A) await B) try C) have D) take
x. A) time B) store C) calorie-free D) air
11. A) likelihood B) instead C) in spite D) luck
12. A) that B) all C) sale D) other
13. A) round B) for C) up D) out
xiv. A) shut B) bring C) get D) terminate
15. A) apparel B) however C) out D) through

Information technology is interesting to know

& Reading

A. Read the commodity and find the opinions of all the people who are mentioned in it. Categorise them beneath.

These people dislike a lot of option These people like a lot of choice

Which category does the writer belong to? Which category practise you belong to?


Engagement: 2016-01-03; view: 4616


Karen Lichtman Owns a Store That Specializes in Travel Gear and Clothes. UPDATED

Posted by: amberhadeard1995.blogspot.com


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